
Bridgemate scoring devices contain functionality to accept player numbers at the start of a session to register the players and their starting position. A similar functionality exists also in the Bridgemate app. This article explains how this functionality can be enabled and used by the club.


Enabling player registration in the Bridgemate app

Before you enable the player registration in the Bridgemate app, make sure you have completed the “One-time preparation” as explained in the article Configure score entry in the Bridgemate app. It is not necessary to enable the score entry functionality itself, but you must have completed the other one-time preparations.

Next, log in with your Bridgemate club account credentials at the club account login page, then go to App configuration and enable the Join an active session option.

Press Save to confirm your changes.

You may now upload your event to the Bridgemate app without any names and numbers configured. The Bridgemate app asks players to register their attendance and starting position when they access the event in the app. See the article Register your attendance in a club event for more information how to use this feature as a player.

Processing player registrations in Bridgemate Control Software

Provided you have enabled “Enable score processing in Bridgemate Control Software” setting in Bridgemate Control Software (see “One-time preparations” in this article), information on player registration is automatically processed by Bridgemate Control Software. This information is stored in the Bridgemate score file and can be processed by your scoring program in the usual way.

Processing player registrations does not require or consume Bridgemate credits.


Additional information

Register your attendance as a player in a club event


See also

No further references available for this article.


Update history

18-10-2022 - Article published